Wednesday, November 17, 2010

traveling these dark forests you call streets

Feeling rather documental these few days. Using any & every tool to scrap what inspires me. Even if I had to take pictures while driving through rainstorms to capture a beautiful setting of the sun moment. Lately it's been the colors mint & any shade of red (I've been loving it SO much, I've even decided to wear it permanently), odd little animals & body poses, raspy voiced folk singers (i.e. The Black Keys), and off focused photographs. Kind of the usual oddities, but definitely drawing more of them to me daily. Please do excuse the unattended room, it didn't dress up for the occasion, as did I. A little spryful (yes, I make words up often) that day, I wanted to go passably colorful as I was introducing my newly jazzed up hair to my parents, who were surprisingly OK with it. Moreover, I depicted a subtle grunge-esque with black tights under jean shorts. Which, in fact, you were to know any ONE thing about my precious obsession with clothing whatsoever, it would be that I am in HAPPY matrimony with "The" grunge style, and if I weren't such a diverse person internally, then I would recapitulate the beloved '90s everyday. :) Yep


  1. See? Now I've been to your blog and feel compelled to talk fashion with you... For art walk tonight, do you think: rolled up boyfriend jeans with booties and jacket; flat riding boots, with opaque tights and short skirt; or festive dress w/ heels?

    Also, I have just started the Artist's Way and am loving the morning pages. Although, these past few days I would call them the mourning pages b/c I can get sad writing them.

    LOVE the blog!

  2. Karan! I apologize for the delayed response. I wish I replied sooner to help you with your decision. However, by reading your choices, you seem to already be pretty skilled on mixing the goods ;) I'm eager to find out what you chose to wear! Another little combo I think would be rather chic & fun (pieces I've been pairing together lately) is your festive dress with your riding boots or booties. It gives a dynamism with masculine & feminine pieces, but still allows for the gentleness of being a woman.

    I love that you're into The Artist's Way! It's about time people discover that piece of greatness. You will awaken after reading that book and literally itch to create! It's very nurturing to us creative souls. Keep doing your morning pages, you'll discover how much peace breakthroughs at the end of your thoughts.

    Good luck with your creative journey. And I'll be really stoked to talk fashion with you anytime. :)

  3. E- I ended up with skinny jeans, over the knee boots, an embellished cardi, a wool military-ish coat, and a red fur (real, unfortunately) headband.

    Now, I just need to come up with the tattoo that I want. I've heard their's this killer tattoo artist in town...

  4. Military jackets are pretty badass, I must admit. However, as unfortunate it may have been for the little buddy that made your headband, it does sound rather extraordinary.

    This tattooer you speak of is quite amazing. I'm sure whatever you think of will be rightfully executed on your skin!!
